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Font | Brush Poster Grotesk

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Brush Poster ➽ ♥︎



🇺🇸 The typeface Brush Poster Grotesk is designed in 2017 for the children exhibition 1,2,3 Kultummel from Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin by xplicit, Berlin (Annette Wüsthoff, Alexander Branczyk, Mascha Wansart (illustrations)). Manuel Viergutz extended the font with some further glyphs & extras. The rough sans serif display typeface is created analogous by hand and brush.

875 glyphs incl. 150+ decorative extras like arrows, dingbats, emojis, symbols, geometric shapes, catchwords, decorative ligatures (type the word LOVE for ❤ or SMILE for ☺ as OpenType-Feature dlig) and stylistic alternates (3+ stylistic sets). For use in logos, magazines, posters, advertisement plus as webfont for decorative headlines. The font works best for display size.

Have fun with this font & use the DEMO-FONT (with reduced glyph-set) FOR FREE!



Font In Use


Labyrinth Kindermuseum, Berlin
Lokalwerk, Berlin
Bier Re-Porter von Hartmut Keitel, München



Font Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons

Font Name: Brush Poster Grotesk
Font Weights: Regu­lar + Misprint + EXTRAS (Illustration) + DEMO (with reduced glyph-set)
Font Cate­gory: Dis­play for head­line size
Font For­mat: .otf (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + .ttf (True­Type Font)
Glyph Set: 875 glyphs
Lan­guage Sup­port: 28+ for extended Latin = Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanisch, Swedish, Turkish, Zulu
■ Spe­cials:
150+ deco­ra­tive extras like arrows, ding­bats, emojis, sym­bols, geo­me­tric shapes, catch­words, deco­ra­tive liga­tures (type the word “LOVE” for ❤ or “SMILE” for ☺ as OpenType-Feature dlig ) and stylistic alternates (3+ stylistic sets), German Capital Eszett
■ Design Date: 2017
■ Type Desi­gner: Annette Wüsthoff, Manuel Vier­gutz, Alexander Branczyk, Mascha Wansart (Illustration)






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TYPEFACE | Brush Poster Grotesk | Font Sample | OpenType Features | by Typo Graphic Design from Typo Graphic Design on Vimeo.


Download the Font

➡︎ https://www.fontspring.com/fonts/typo-graphic-design/brush-poster-grotesk



➡︎ http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/typographicdesign/brush-poster-grotesk

➡︎ https://www.youworkforthem.com/font/T8249/brush-poster-grotesk


🇩🇪 Die Schrift Brush Poster Grotesk ist 2017 gestaltet für die Ausstellung 1,2,3 Kultummel des Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin von xplicit, Berlin (Annette Wüsthoff, Alexander Branczyk, Mascha Wansart (illustrations)). Manuel Viergutz erweiterte die Schrift mit zusätzlichen Glyphen & Extras. Die raue serifenlose Headline-Schrift ist analog mit Hand und Pinsel entstanden.

875 Glyphs inkl. 150+ dekorativen Extras wie Pfeile, Ding­bats, Emojis, Sym­bole, geo­me­trische Formen, Schlagwörter, dekorative Ligaturen (tippe das Wort “LOVE” für oder “SMILE” für als OpenType-Feature dlig ) und stylistische Alternativen (3+ Stylistic Sets), Versal Eszett. Zur Verwendung in Logos, Magazine, Poster, Werbung, sowie Webfonts für dekorative Überschriften. Die Schrift funktioniert am besten in großen Schriftgraden.

Viel Spaß mit der Schrift & verwende den DEMO-FONT (mit reduziertem Glyphenumfang) KOSTENLOS!



Tech­ni­sche Infor­ma­tio­nen der Schrift

Schriftname: Brush Poster Grotesk
Schriftschnitte: Regu­lar + Misprint + EXTRAS (Illustration) + DEMO (mit reduziertem Glyphenumfang)
Schriftkate­gorie: Dis­play für Überschriftengröße
Schriftfor­mat: .otf (Open­Type Font für Mac + Win) + .ttf (True­Type Font)
Glyphenumfang: 875 Glyphen
Sprachumfang: 28+ für erweitertes Latin.  Afrikaans, Albanian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanisch, Swedish, Turkish, Zulu
■ Besonderheiten: 150+ dekorative Extras wie Pfeile, Ding­bats, Emojis, Sym­bole, geo­me­trische Formen, Schlagwörter, dekorative Ligaturen (tippe das Wort “LOVE” für oder “SMILE” für als OpenType-Feature dlig ) und stylistische Alternativen (3+ Stylistic Sets), Versal Eszett
■ Gestaltet im Jahr: 2017
■ Schriftgestalter: Annette Wüsthoff, Manuel Vier­gutz, Alexander Branczyk, Mascha Wansart (Illustration)



HERUNTERLADEN | SCHRIFT | Brush Poster Grotesk

➡︎ https://www.fontspring.com/fonts/typo-graphic-design/brush-poster-grotesk



➡︎ http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/typographicdesign/brush-poster-grotesk

➡︎ https://www.youworkforthem.com/font/T8249/brush-poster-grotesk